217.370.8505 cory@bletislb.org

Cory Martin

Illinois State Legislative Board Chairman

Illinois Primaries March 17th 2020!

The Illinois primaries are upon us! (Tues. March 17th 2020) It is vital that we encourage every member, every friend, neighbor and family member to VOTE! Please educate them about our union’s endorsements and why we have selected them. Our State Legislative Board’s...

National Voter Registration Day 9/24

National Voter Registration Day National Voter Registration Day is a national holiday celebrating our democracy. It was first observed in 2012 and has been growing in popularity every year since. Held on the fourth Tuesday of September, National Voter Registration Day...

SB24 Rail Safety Bill

Last week in Illinois House Transportation Roads and Bridges Committee SB24 was called. Myself, Bob Guy, (IL SMART Leg Director), and Mike Renkin (SMART) gave testimony in support.of the legislation. Seated in the hearing room from the BLET were ISLB 1st Vice Chris...

Support IL SB24 Call Now!

Tomorrow Wednesday March 20, 2019, SB24 "Two Person Freight Train" is scheduled to be heard in Senate Executive Committee at 2 pm. I have listed some of the members of the Executive Committee that need to hear from their constituents. "Please support SB24 and vote yes...

Project 2025 Is A Blueprint For Business Disaster

Project 2025 Is A Blueprint For Business Disaster A Race Few Wanted Though it's only June, we're already back in presidential election season. This week saw the earliest-ever general election debate in our history, as President Joe Biden and former President Donald...