CLEVELAND, January 30 – Yesterday, members of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen ratified a new collective bargaining
agreement with Norfolk Southern (NS).
Ballots were counted on January 29, 2015, and the agreement governs rates
of pay and work rules for roughly 4,500 locomotive engineers. Health and
welfare benefits for NS locomotive engineers will be bargained nationally
starting this year.
BLET National President thanked all members of the negotiating team,
including Vice President Rick Gibbons and General Chairmen D.L. Dehart,
NS-Northern Lines, K.S. Peek, NS-Eastern Lines, and M.L. Wallace,
NS-Southern Lines.
“These Brothers deserve thanks for their hard work and determination
throughout these contract negotiations,” President Pierce said. “I also
thank our members for supporting the negotiating team throughout the
process and for taking the time to vote; I am particularly pleased that
nearly 63% of our NS members took this duty of BLET membership so
seriously. This contract will help maintain the quality of life our
members have earned through their professionalism, hard work and
dedication to the craft.”