217.370.8505 cory@bletislb.org


The seven steel-ribbed coaches

Draw smoothly to the shed.

And you and other passengers

Now hurry home to bed;

You’ve done your easy hundred miles

In ninety minutes clear—

Then thank the man who brought you,

The old gray engineer,

Your hope, your love, your children,

The prayers that you have prayed,

Lie in his faithful fingers

On trestle, curve and grade;

By crossing, draw and culvert

His leaping engine roars,

And clear as altar lamps he sees

The green lit semaphores.

Unthanked and unremembered,

He holds your life secure;

His service does not falter ,

His hand and eye are sure;

A thousand tons go flashing

Along that ribbon slim ;

The roar of his tall driving wheels

Is very like a hymn.

His miracle of power

Is terrible and swift;

Farewells and lovers’ meetings

Are equally in his gift;

In starlight or in snowstorm,

A priest of creed austere,

He brings you home in safety—.

The old gray engineer.—Ex.


Merry Christmas

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen – Illinois State Legislative Board

Paul Piekarski
