BLET Members, Auxiliary and families are urged to contact their Congressional House
Representative and request them to Co-Sponsor and support the Safe Freight Act of 2017,
the newly introduced two-person crew bill (H.R. 233).
Members should immediately call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and
ask to speak with the House of Representative member from their Congressional District.
Advise them you are a constituent of theirs, and politely ask them to Co-Sponsor and
support H.R. 233, the Safe Freight Act of 2017. You will not likely talk directly with the
Representative, but be respectful to their staff member, just as you would if you were
personally speaking with the Representative.
Additional Congressional contact information can be found at:
More information regarding H.R. 233 can be found at:
A full copy of H.R. 233 can be viewed at: